A little bit goes a long way! JAXX absorbent products absorb and encapsulate over 600% of their own weight!


Uh-oh! Used motor oil! A definite slip and fall hazard!

JAXX ZORB to the rescue!

Just sweep and dispose! It's that easy and that fast! THANX JAXX!!

Oh yuck! Chunky salsa? How do you clean up a mess like that?

Never fear! JAXX Spill Miracle is here! It even has an odor counteractant built right in!

Sweeping up salsa?! Wow! THANX JAXX!!

Spilled Black Paint?! That'll leave a mark!

Sprinkle a little JAXX PAINT ZORB on the spill...

... and it's like it never happened! THANX JAXX!!
JAXX Spill Miracle

Happy JAXX customer, Susannah Wilson-Robey, writes:
"I did use it in my litter box!! (Actually, it is a baby swimming pool... 4 cats). I cannot tell you how beautifully it worked. Odor control, amazing!! No wetness, easy removal!!! I also use and replenish less litter!! Thanks, JAXX!!"
Susannah was nice enough to send us pictures as well.
JAXX says, "Thanx Susannah!"